According to The Economist, the most obvious consequence of the Covid-19 epidemic will be “the infusion data-enabled service into ever more aspects” Companies will be increasingly reliant on digital transformation in the near future.
In a survey conducted in 2019, CEOs, directors, and other senior executives found that the number one concern of their top-ranking executives was digital risk. 70% of the initiatives they made towards this goal failed to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, $900 billion of the $1.3 trillion that was spent on new ventures in 2019 was lost.
Digital transformation teams often fail, despite the potential for efficiency and growth, because people don’t have the mindset to make a change. It is very difficult to change completely when you have flawed organizational practices. Digitization would only make the problem worse.
What is Digital Transformation?
It is easy to get too excited about the implementation plans, specifications, and counting when you introduce a new system to an organization.
Digital transformation is a critical process that ensures organizations remain relevant and profitable in a competitive market.
This involves integrating new technologies and services into current business practices to streamline operations. The goal is to increase the value of the final product. This can include new tools and apps, data storage, information recording, and many other new techniques.
This is, of course the digital side of things. We are referring to “transformation”, which is the introduction of new ways to work with existing teams.
It’s tricky, right?
Anyone would be willing and able to purchase a new set digital suites that include the most recent tools. But who would manage it? This is where the key is to make sure that there is talent on board and that the company culture can adapt. Change management is the key to a successful transformation. Only people can make it happen.
Get Your Team involved
Change is hard. You need to involve everyone in a change. Not just your leadership team. While you can’t let your team make big decisions for the company, it is possible to involve the entire team in the process.
McKinsey’s study found that 84% of CEOs are committed to major transformational changes, but only 45% of frontline employees agree. Connecting the dots is clearly a major obstacle to implementing a successful strategy.
This can be achieved in many ways.
* Get feedback from your team on the changes you made
* Keep your team informed about the strategy.
* Incentivize the team to use internal marketing to convince reluctant team members to adopt new technology
A company’s transformation to the digital landscape may be beneficial, but only if all members of the team agree to it. You need a team that is positive and understands the benefits of digital technology.
Train and Invest in Your Team
Digitalizing would present challenges. You might not have the same tech skills as some of your team members. You can’t leave them behind. They will need to be trained to adapt to new technology and tools in order to reach that level.
People learn differently and their learning styles may be different. Some team members might be able to grasp the concept in a single demo session while others may need multiple days of training to master the technology.