Alzheimer’s disease affects many people who are above 65 years of age and it progressively worsens and causes severe dementia. The neural pathways that control speech, memory, and movement get disrupted in Alzheimer’s disease and can also cause episodes of severe agitation and aggression in the patient.
CBD oil is being increasingly used to improve the quality of life in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and associated dementia. Although research is limited on the subject, the results that are seen in some patients are very promising to consider the addition of CBD oil in the treatment protocol of Alzheimer’s.
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Alzheimer’s and CBD oil
We are all well aware that Alzheimer’s cannot be cured. Only its progression is delayed with medical treatment, which includes the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to improve cognition and memory. The treatment also focuses on treating anxiety and agitation associated with progressive dementia.
All the drugs have severe side effects in elderly patients further deteriorating their health and physical ability to perform regular tasks. Pure CBD oil is safe for use and has no potential side effects and can be a breakthrough therapy if desired benefits can be achieved.
CBD can provide symptomatic relief to Alzheimer’s disease in the following ways:
- By increasing blood flow to the brain and its neural pathways, CBD oils reduce oxidative damage.
- CBD oil protects the brain and also causes a stimulatory effect on brain cells.
- Neural inflammation is triggered when immune cells fail to clear blockages caused by disrupted neural pathways.
- Inflammation can worsen the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s. CBD oil is a potent anti-inflammatory and thus can have a positive impact on the disease.
- CBD also reduces stress and anxiety, which can lower the occurrence of aggressive episodes in dementia sufferers.
- Oxygen levels rise in the brain cells secondary to inflammation which further affects the memory of the patient. CBD being an antioxidant reduces this oxidative stress.
There is no research-backed data but some studies show that CBD can also promote neurogenesis in the brain cells that got damaged due to Alzheimer’s disease.
CBD oil is usually taken in a dose of 25 mg twice daily for producing the most effective results in patients suffering from dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. The best way to take CBD is capsules as the dose can easily be regulated and will not be forgotten when taken along with other medications prescribed for the treatment of the disease.
Gummies and inhalants can be difficult to administration because patients with advanced Alzheimer’s disease have compromised fine motor skills. If desired results are not seen with the regular dose of 25 mg, the dose can be increased slightly after 3-4 weeks. Keep increasing the dose until you find the dosage at which maximum relief is achieved in the reduction of symptoms.